Weekly Update

Third Quarter Grades

Third Quarter grades were posted to Infinite Campus today.  Please reach out to your student's teachers if you have any questions.  Continued athletic eligibility and participation on a spring sports team is dependent upon Quarter III grades.

Sullivan Presentation

Kathi and Chris Sullivan will be returning after a two-year absence to speak to our senior class during Block 2 and Flex on Thursday, April 14th.  They share powerful personal stories about the dangers of teenage alcohol use and adult drug abuse.  That evening they will give a presentation to interested adults and students who did not have the opportunity to attend the school day presentation.  This presentation is made possible by the Dover Coalition for Youth.  An informational poster is attached.

Internet Safety

On Monday, May 9th our freshmen and sophomores will be attending an internet safety presentation given by Internet Safety Concepts.  That evening Internet Safety Concepts will be giving a presentation to parents.  Please see the attached flyer.

Prom Florist Information

Attached is a flyer for people interested in prom flowers.

Early College Planning Presentation by the NHHEAF Network

The NHHEAF will be hosting a webinar to help students and families learn about the college application process.

Date: Thursday, April 14, 2022 

Time: 6:30 p.m.

It is never too early to start to plan both academically and financially for a college education. During this presentation, we share the basics about what colleges are looking for, how financial aid works, college savings options and details about the impact of saving on student eligibility for financial aid. This presentation is recommended for parents/guardians and students in grades 9-11.

Register in advance for this webinar:


Dover High School will be recording this webinar and making it available to students and families on the School Counseling website in case you are interested in attending the Sullivan presentation that evening.

COVID-19 Layers of Mitigation

We want to remind students and families that many COVID-19 protocols remain in place even though the masking policy has changed to recommended but optional.  Please take note of these items:

1. Students are still expected to self-screen every morning.  The screener is attached.

2. Students who display symptoms of COVID-19 still need a negative test to return to school.

3.  If your student has allergies, including seasonal allergies, please be sure medical documentation is supplied to the Health Office.

Boys Volleyball Fundraiser

The Boys Volleyball Team is running a fundraiser through Collins Sports.  It includes volleyball items and items that are just Dover high School items.  The link is:  https://collinssports.chipply.com/dhsboysvolleyball/store.aspx

Student Job Board

Please see the information below which outlines job opportunities for our students. Here is a link to the information students need as well:   https://tinyurl.com/5e974f9j

Summer Tech Camps Opportunities for Students and Staff

The University of New Hampshire is offering technology camps for students and staff this summer.  A brief synopsis can be found below while more details can be found at:  https://ceps.unh.edu/outreach/tech-camp

Graduation and Senior Awards

The Dover School Board approved Thursday, June 9th as the graduation date for the Class of 2022.  The ceremony will be held on Dunaway Field here on the campus of Dover High School at 7:00 pm.  The rain date is Friday, June 10th with the ceremony being held at 7:00 pm. Senior Awards will be held on Tuesday, June 7th at 6:30 pm. This event will be held in the auditorium.  Information on these events will be put out in April.

Destination College

Destination College is New Hampshire's statewide college planning event and is designed to help high school juniors and their families prepare for entry into college. This annual statewide college planning convention is held each spring through the collaborative efforts of The NHHEAF Network and New Hampshire colleges and universities. All the day's events are FREE to students and parents. Destination College 2022 is a VIRTUAL event and REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.   This event will be held on Saturday, April 9, 2022.  Information can be found at the link below.

Signature Events & Initiatives: Destination College (nhheaf.org)

Senior Prom

The Senior Prom will be held on Saturday May 21st in the Granite State Room of the Memorial Union Building on the campus of the University of New Hampshire. The event will be open to seniors and approved guests and will be held from 7:00 to 10:00 pm. Information will be coming regarding ticket sales and other details.

Seniors- Scholarship Information

Seniors are encouraged to visit the School Counseling Department link below to find scholarship opportunities.  Please be cognizant of the specific deadline for applying that goes with each scholarship.

Scholarships – School Counseling – Dover High School

Yearbook Information for 21-22

BUY YOUR YEARBOOKDon’t forget to purchase a DHS 2022 yearbook at jostensyearbooks.com

Pricing Schedule

Yearbooks cost $65.00.

Girls State

The American Legion Auxiliary-Department of New Hampshire will be holding its annual Girls State from Sunday, June 26, 2022 through Saturday, July 2, 2022 on the campus of St. Anselm College.  Girls State is a week-long training course in the study and practical application of self-government.  It is meant to supplement Civics or American Government as it is taught in high schools across the state and is planned so students can put the theories of American government as taught in the classroom into practice.  To find out more information, including how to apply, please speak to your school counselor or visit https://alagranitegirlsstate.wordpress.com/.    Applications are due by May 31, 2022.

Boys State

New Hampshire’s Department of the American Legion will be holding its 75th annual Boys State from Sunday, June 26, 2022 through Friday, July 1, 2022 on the campus of St. Anselm College.  Boys State is a six-day training course in the study and practical application of self-government.  It is meant to supplement Civics or American Government as it is taught in high schools across the state and is planned so students can put the theories of American government as taught in the classroom into practice.  To find out more information, including how to apply, please speak to your school counselor or visit www.NHBoysState.org.  Applications are due by May 31, 2022.