Fire Science
Grades 10, 11 and 12 2.00 Credits/Year
Grades 10, 11 and 12 2.00 Credits/Year
Students choosing a career path in Firefighting and EMS can get started at Dover High School and Regional Career Technical Center. Students will be immersed in a rigorous training program to prepare them for a career in Emergency Medical Services. Students will learn about the scientific and mechanical principles associated with fire prevention. Students will become adept at rescue techniques, fire suppression, and other technical skills. Included in this course is learning about the proper use of tools, apparatus and equipment while also learning how to don and doff gear within 90 seconds. This program is offered in partnership with the Dover Fire Department and taught by NH State Certified Fire instructors offering hands-on experiences and lessons on campus, at local fire stations and at the NH Fire Academy in Concord. It is supported by the New Hampshire Fire Standards and Training Commission. Students seeking to enroll must be physically able to perform requirements associated with Firefighter I Certificate and must have medical permission.
REQUIRED: Students must submit a CTC program application for consideration of acceptance into the program.
Students must have a current medical examination comparable to the National Fire Protection Association Standard
#1582. Students are evaluated for heights phobia and claustrophobia; they should not be considered obese and they must have the stamina and physical ability to work in untenable conditions for several consecutive 30-minute durations.
Students must have a current medical examination comparable to the National Fire Protection Association Standard
#1582. Students are evaluated for heights phobia and claustrophobia; they should not be considered obese and they must have the stamina and physical ability to work in untenable conditions for several consecutive 30-minute durations.
NOTE: This is a competitive entry program limited to 15 students per course.